We are delighted to invite you to a special fundraising campaign in support of UNICHIR , under the leadership of doctor Réginald Moreels. UNICHIR is dedicated to improving medical care and the well-being of people in vulnerable communities in Beni – Congo. By participating in this fundraising campaign, you are directly contributing to the realization of their noble objectives.

By donating, you not only have the chance to win fantastic prizes, but you also directly contribute to improving the lives of people in need. Your support is invaluable and makes a world of difference.

If you want to have a chance to win one of the exclusive prizes below, donate now to the following bank account number BE 98 0019 7170 8993 with mention of your first and last name or scroll below for a QR code don’t forget to enter your personal details on the following link so we can contact the winners! 

Deze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt atribuut; de bestandsnaam is 2-2.jpg
  1. Signed world champion jersey of Lotte Kopecky – Team SD Worx (starting from a donation of + € 20 )
  2. Mid Mid & Play Sports jersey Club Brugge
  3. Mid Mid & Play Sports jersey KAA Gent
  4. Mid Mid & Play Sports jersey KRC Genk
  5. Backpack with goodies from Play Sports
  6. Pick Your Coach personal training Soigné worth € 440
  7. Book “Engageer u” by Doctor Réginald Moreels
  8. Company visit to Barco Belgium with a personal guide
  9. Enamel sign from La Vache Qui Rit

* Each € 5 donation entitles you to one ticket. The more tickets you have, the higher your chances of winning. Please note that for the cycling jersey of Lotte Kopecky, a minimum contribution of € 20 is required. And addition final question to guarantuee your chances should be answered to to googleform or via e-mail: how many km will Ramses run exactly after finishing? eg 99.6 km.

Ramses De Weerdt is Strategic Program Manager at Barco – healthcare and has already raised significant funds in support of both Kom op tegen Kanker and UNICHIR. With a passion for healthcare and sports, he has achieved success in various triathlons, including Iron Man Tallinn, Iron Man Cork and Pajotse 400. In March, he will embark on a journey along the Spanish coastline as part of the “Follow the Coast” initiative. His goal is to increase awareness for the altruistic endeavors of dokter Réginald Moreels in aid of UNICHIR. Please join him in making a difference!

€ 5

€ 25

€ 50

Our sincere thanks go to all the sponsors who have contributed to the success of this initiative. We would also like to express our appreciation to UNICHIR and Dr. Moreels for their continuous dedication and commitment over the years.

* Each € 5 donation entitles you to one ticket. The more tickets you have, the higher your chances of winning. Please note that for the cycling jersey of Lotte Kopecky, a minimum contribution of € 20 is required. To win your prize, answer correctly how many km will Ramses run exactly from start to finish? eg 99.666 km.

Would you like to learn more about our donors? Click on the link below.
SD Worx - Barco - Soigné Ronse - Emaillerie Belge - UNICHIR

Ramses De Weerdt & Willemijn De Jode

Questions contact ramses@live.be or willemijndejode@hotmail.com

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